
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snowmageddon 2015

It's day two of Snowmageddon 2015. I'm cold, I'm hungry, I'm in the beginning stages of cabin fever, and hallucinations are kicking. I kid. This is pretty great. It is day 2 of about a foot of snow, which is nothing to sneeze at in the south. We don't get a lot of snow, so when we do everyone loses their damn minds. 

When the snow started coming down, I could no longer suppress my childlike urges. I thought, "What a great memory we would make if we all made the trek downtown to get coffee!?" Bear in mind the trek downtown from our apartment is about a mile. I'd also like to point out that it was windy and about 12 degrees with a foot of snow on the ground. I'm sure as you guessed, we did not have the resolve to make it downtown. It's all the same. Turns out that the coffee shop was closed, anyways. We did walk around our block. And while we were walking around I saw several cars stuck and spinning. God bless the nurses, doctors, firefighters, and postal service workers. Because, I was certainly of the mindset that I was not risking my safety to go to work.

This is me thinking I was ready to brave the cold.

©© Several long sleeve shirts ©©

©© Nylon running pants ©©

 ©© Jeans ©©

©© 2 pairs of socks ©©

©© Gloves ©©

©© Boots up to my knees ©©

©© Scarf ©©

Yes. I was not ready. We got to the end of our street and I went into a mild panic mode, because I was fairly sure that hypothermia had started to set in on my feet. I imagined myself this summer...I'd be unable to wear flip flops, because they'd have to cut each of my big toes off. Street passerbys would look down and inquire and I would simply say, "Octavia."

Things quickly got less fashionable and more functional. Guys! I feared for my toes and my face! I would like to also say that I got a gnarly windburn. It was pretty ridiculous. 

This guy was a mad man over the snow. Regardless of the snow hitting him in the face, it being piled up to his little tummy, and the fact that it was freezing he got an insane burst of energy and resorted to primal instincts. He was pulling us through the snow and sniffing and sneezing. Dogs are weird, huh?

At one point he had a snow beard and his eyes crossed. I imagine he was saying, "Nahhh. It's not cold. It's all good! 10 more minutes."

I knew the time to go back in and get warm was fast approaching. I couldn't bring myself to head back inside without making a rocking snow angel. I was pretty proud of myself.

It was time to get these fellas inside. I mean, obviously, I was pretty tough and could've stayed outside longer but they were getting pretty cold. 

When we headed back in the snow was still falling. It was a pretty scene, despite freezing temperatures. This is usually a busy street. Not today. I appreciate it when the city gets to hit pause and everyone can enjoy a snow day.

Now we are in the midst of Snow Day: Part II. It's currently 9 degrees out. There is more snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Temperatures for the rest of the week include highs of 18 degrees and lows of  -9 degrees. I've done the snow trek. Today I look forward to snuggling with loved ones, binge watching SATC, and concocting something yummy in the kitchen. How are you spending Snowmageddon 2015? Stay safe and warm out there, snow warriors!

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